Quintessential shaving ...

Dec 05, 2012,13:23 PM

Shaving knives

The traditional shaving knives from Solingen (Germany) are manufactured so as to meet
the highest quality requirements. In a process used for generations, the shaving knife
passes through around 70 working steps to make it "really handmade".

In the fifties the traditional razor market decreased. The razor blade, razors with replaceable blades
and the electrical shaver replaced the conventional razors.

It´s notable that around 1950 in Solingen there were circa 600-700 razor manufacturers in the market.
The razors were mostly produced by homeworkers for the manufacturer. Somehow it sounds familiar
to watchmaking in Switzerland, in the past smile

Today there are about 5-6 manufacturers remaining in Solingen yet.

Let me show you some examples (current production) from two manufacturers - Wacker and Aust.

Both are more or less "one man shows". The first one has more than 50 years of experience and
is supported by his wife. His razors are well-known by collectors from all over the world - especially
his work from the past is a collectors dream for some.

The second one is Aust and much younger than the former one. He took over the business
of his father in law, but with lots of passion. For daily usage his razors are probably the better choice
and for me his simple style is more appealing.

Even when there is a lot of work made by experienced hands only, the engraving in the picture above is made by a CNC machine.
Quite common today, unfortunately.

What else do we need for quintessential shaving?

Shaving brush

I don´t want to go in detail on that topic, but would like to introduce some pieces from Simpsons (UK).
Alexander Simpson started shaving brushes in the East of London in 1919. In 2008 the company
has been purchased but continues the tradition of making some of the world´s finest brushes entirely
by hand, using the same techniques which have not changed since the firm was founded.

Some examples:

Of course also a shaving soap or cream is needed and some tools for maintenance. But I am not
an expert and not even an user - so far smile Therefore I will stop for now and would like to ask
if we have some experts on this topic - quintessential shaving.

Who is experienced with that kind of shaving and would like to share?

The pieces shown above are pieces bought by me and a friend, as presents for business partners from abroad
and I tried to do some research before purchasing.

Looking forward to your experiences, knowledge and thoughts!


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re: quintessential

 By: DRMW : December 5th, 2012-13:43
I use electric as I don't trust myself with a blade! =O As for your other question regarding products, have you looked into this line of product: for your soap and/or cream? It's Anthony Tsai and his bro's line of grooming products. -MW

I heard about ...

 By: small-luxury-world : December 7th, 2012-12:22
that line before, but never tried it. For now our "targetgroup" is more "old school" and one of them still uses his razor from about 30 years ago. Now he looks for a replacement, but still is not in a hurry :-) Thanks! Oliver

If you use a straight edge razor to shave, you really have to try my TwinLuxe shave cream

 By: AnthonyTsai : December 5th, 2012-16:54
It's hands down the best shaving cream on the market today for straight edges. We even have an Art of Shaving Master National Barber for over 6 years tell us that he's never used anything as good as our shave cream until he tried it out. Now he stocks his... 

I am a believer in the TwinLuxe line..

 By: ocwatching : December 7th, 2012-09:30
sorry to pitch it further for you AT.. but I am too chicken to shave with a straight blade..

"too chicken to shave"

 By: small-luxury-world : December 7th, 2012-12:31

"I like to use both electric and manual razors"

 By: small-luxury-world : December 7th, 2012-12:30
That´s what I do - Braun Series 7 at home and Mach3 when travelling. One day I have to try the real thing, but so far I didn´t even try it at a barber. Just remember the time when I have been at the barber shop with my father, the owner was called Joseph ... 

One more thing you'll need

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : December 6th, 2012-04:01
is whetstone. Last time I saw someone using razor was my grandfather. Still horrifying experience :) I was youngster but looking at sharp razor pressed against jugular is something that gives me shivers + watching Un Chien Andalou is not much of help neit... 

My friend ...

 By: small-luxury-world : December 7th, 2012-12:39
I am surprised about your reply. Damjan without "balls"? Is it you? :-) We didn´t buy whetstones, but we bought this instead: One good one and three for "beginners". Cheers, Oliver ...  

It is my tender side ;)

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : December 8th, 2012-09:11
Yes dear Oliver that was exactly what I had in mind..but I made linguistic fault and I also see that you already have perfect razor strop (nothing less was expected) Happy shaving...brrrrr :) Damjan

It’s a bit of a joke, really…

 By: pplater : December 7th, 2012-19:53
Anyone who has met the pplater chin will be the first to tell you that shaving is a conceit: it would be sufficient to pour milk over such fuzz as there is and then let the cat lick it off. It goes to show, though, how our tastes in other things (such as ...  

One more thing you need..

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : December 8th, 2012-09:25
is razor strop ;) D

Haaaa! Thank you Pplater, I was wondering......

 By: Sandgroper : December 10th, 2012-03:17
what kind of shaving technology you were using when I met you. Well, now I know. I was tossing with the idea of asking you but, I am so reserved :) that the idea didn't make it to the vocal cords. As I see it, and now try to understand it, shaving IS an a... 

pplater ...

 By: small-luxury-world : December 12th, 2012-07:26
it seems like you are the only "real" man who still uses the real thing. Why am I not surprised :-) For how long do you already use your DOVO? Have you been happy with the sharpness when you got it and how is it today? Have you tried others as well? Thank... 

Charming objects.

 By: VMM : December 10th, 2012-04:05
I can not explain why, but this kind of old handmade things always make me feel good. I guess it must be the "flavor" they have. Thanks, Oliver. Vte :)

Me too!

 By: small-luxury-world : December 12th, 2012-07:27
"this kind of old handmade things always make me feel good" ... and they are soooooo addictive :-) Cheers, Oliver